


WHAT A MapTip is an informative message that appears when a user hovers the pointer over a feature, surface, or raster image. The purpose of a MapTip is to provide helpful content such as additional attributes, data, or images and therefore give users direct access to attribute information for that feature. WHY The map provides […]

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Visited Marker

Visited marker

WHAT The visited marker pattern uses markers symbolized to show users which marker has already been visited, helping them avoid revisiting the same info pop-up repeatedly. WHY A pattern that has been around since the early days of HTML is to change the color of hyperlinks that have been visited previously. This is considered a […]

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Layer List

Layer list

WHAT Users need to show or hide map content WHY Interactive maps are structured such that different geographic datasets are added to the map displayed on top of each other. This stacking works well if line and point layers are on top of polygon layers and polygon layers don’t overlap. WHEN The best use of […]

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Extent-driven Content

Extent-driven content

WHAT The extent-driven content pattern synchronizes content in the UI with the map extent. It describes how the map can be used as a dynamic spatial filter that updates other content on the page as the map extent changes. WHY Data can be visualized in many ways. The most common visualization components are charts, tables, […]

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Marker List

Location list

WHAT The location list pattern consists of a list of locations, often referred to as sites, and is visualized by markers on a map. A key, like a legend, establishes a relationship between locations on the list and in the map. WHY Both elements, the list and the map, have their strengths and limitations, respectively. […]

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