
Side By Side

Side by side

WHAT Visually inspect and compare two scenarios spatially, temporally or quantitatively. WHY Comparing spatial-temporal data is a common analytical task to detect changes over time or identify patterns between variables. Providing two synchronized maps helps to see differences at a glance without the need to constantly swipe or toggle. WHEN The main advantage of Side-by-Side […]

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Small Multiples

Small multiples

WHAT Comparing changes, patterns or differences in data is difficult to impossible with interactive controls on a single map view. WHY Small Multiples is sometimes also called trellis maps or tile maps. It is a series of similar maps using the same size and scale, allowing them to be easily compared. Our brain is great […]

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Offline Maps

Offline maps

WHAT The offline maps pattern uses offline maps that can be downloaded to a user’s device to provide access to data when the need arises. They are useful when the user needs access to data in areas in which the internet is slow, mobile data is expensive, or the user cannot get online. WHY Offline […]

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Why Map UI Patterns?

This site provides a language for planning and building map applications. It discusses principles, components of varying complexity, and features that all together inform design decisions for your next project. The elements of this language are entities called user interface (UI) patterns. Each pattern describes a solution to an observed and recurring problem. It explains […]

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Task Oriented

Task oriented

WHAT Task-oriented apps provide task-oriented workflows that align with user goals. A task-oriented app is sometimes referred to as task focused or workflow driven. Regardless of terminology, a successful experience is built on useful tasks and guiding users to complete them efficiently. WHY Task completion and task success are the main metrics for measuring usability […]

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